Transportation and Distribution Solutions


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Frequently asked questions

Q: What is your regular pickup/delivery schedule?

A: All orders deliver the next business day after pickup. Exceptions include holds and appointments. Also note that some outlying areas are serviced once per week, details found HERE.. We do NOT charge storage to hold freight to these areas.

Q: What is your regular service area?

A: Extended Seattle-Tacoma area. Extends from the US/Canadian border down past Tacoma to Olympia, WA. Please ask for a spot quote if outside this area, we are happy to offer a rate if we have capacity. Service area details found HERE.

Q: Daily Airport/Ocean recovery cut-off time?

A: All orders for same-day pickups must be received by 12pm PST. Orders received after cut-off are picked up next day.

A: Effective 5/3/21: Orders for same-day pickups at Worldwide Flight Services AND Summit NW must be received by 10AM.

Q: Can I schedule a same-day pickup from anywhere in your service area?

A: Yes, IF we have capacity and a trucker in the area, otherwise next day.

Q: Can you transport dangerous goods?

A: We only handle class 9 dangerous goods.

Q: Are you a bonded trucker?

A: Yes, we can transport bonded freight.

Q: Do you transport refrigerated goods?

A: No, however we regularly move small shipments of self-cooled goods on dry ice.

Q: Do you handle drayage?

A: No, but we have recommendations for you.

Q: More questions?

Phone: (206)246-5420